Year 13
As Head of Year it gives me real pleasure in outlining the key experiences and events that students go through during this important academic year.
Year 13, often known as the ‘Upper Sixth’ marks the start of students’ conclusive year of their Key Stage Five experience.
UCAS and job applications are a key focus for Year 13 throughout the first term here at Coopers’. All UCAS applications have a tailored programme to support and ensure consistent quality. Students’ first port of call for their personal statement is their Form Tutor, followed by a subject specialist. It will be your son/daughter’s Form Tutor that also writes their academic reference. All students will receive a one to one meeting with either Mr Bell, myself or another member of the pastoral team, to review their whole UCAS form, or Beyond 18 plan, before it is submitted. If your son/daughter is interested in applying to Oxbridge, Mrs Read offers specialist guidance in this area. We aim for all UCAS applications to be sent by the middle of November.
Jobseekers work throughout the year with Mrs King, our Head of Careers. When they enter Year 13 they need to have a cover letter and C.V available for use. Assessment Days and interview opportunities are presented to the students throughout the year.
In addition to academic study, we are passionate that students continue to follow a broad and balanced curriculum. Many students will specialise their areas of study by continuing with their EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) and so many will continue to become widely involved in the extra-curricular life of the school.
Above all, Year 13 are the true ambassadors of the school; they take on a myriad of leadership opportunities and it is real pleasure to work with, support and develop such a wonderful group of young adults.
We celebrate all of our hard work at the conclusion of May when we host the Year 13 last day celebrations. This event is a very enjoyable occasion and a real chance to celebrate the Sixth Form students’ development through their A Levels journey with us
Do not hesitate to contact me at the school if you have any questions about Year 13.
Mrs J Marshall
Head of Year 13