Assemblies are a crucial part of school life and every year group takes part in a collective ‘act of worship’. As a non-denominational, multi-faith school, this is done in a reflective and sensitive way.
Our assembly themes are designed around key world events and common themes that enable students to engage and reflect and there are often follow up activities in Form Tutor time.
At key points in the assembly schedule, we invite outside speakers to come in and talk about particular areas of interests – for example, local religious leaders to link in with key religious festivals such as Christmas and Easter.
We also believe that it is important that students take part in delivering assemblies and there are many opportunities for our Year 13 Captains and Year 11 Prefects to deliver assemblies.
The assembly schedule takes place as follows:
Tuesday – Year 13 and Year 7
Wednesday – Year 12
Thursday – Year 11 and Year 8
Friday – Year 10 and Year 9