Online Learning & Safety
The school makes regular use of a wide range of software packages and internet-based resource to support students in their learning. Many of these tools are unique to specific departments – for example, the Maths Department makes use of a wide range of different subject-specific online packages.
As a whole-school community we use Google Classroom as the main online vehicle to support students with their learning.
It is used in five main ways:
- Materials/Resources from key lessons will be posted on Google Classroom – this is important if your son/daughter misses any lessons
- To set homework
- To provide feedback to students on their learning
- For staff to potentially run, ‘Google Meet’ video sessions with students
- For the pastoral team to communicate with the whole year group
Parents’/Carers’ are also able to receive a regular email summary of all the posts that their child has been receiving. Many of our parent(s)/carer(s) find this invaluable.
For more information about the Google Guardian system, please click here
For a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), please click here
For a useful Youtube video which summarises the key features of the system, please click here
At any point in time, the school may have to enact a system of remote (online) learning for all students. It is crucial that students and parents are aware of the behaviour expectations and safeguarding issues regarding online learning.
All students at the school sign an ICT User Agreement which enshrines the principles around the appropriate use of school systems. This user agreement extends to systems used for remote learning such as ‘Google Classroom’. Students should only ever use any school approved system, including remote learning systems, stored virtually (in the cloud), for educational purposes.
Inappropriate use of a remote learning platform, such as Google Classroom, (in breach of the ICT User Agreement) would include:
- Using the system in a way it was not intended
- Actions, either intention, or unintentional, which cause harm or stress to a third party
- Use of any language considered inappropriate
- Engaging in malicious communications of any sort
- Any actions which would breach our Ant-Bullying Strategy
- Communicating with students through the system, in a way, not relating to learning set by teachers