Year 12
As Head of Year it gives me real pleasure in outlining the key experiences and events as part of the first year in our 6th Form.
Year 12, often known as the ‘Lower Sixth’ marks the start of what is known as ‘Key Stage 5’. Students enter the School Sixth Form having gained excellent GCSE results and are placed in new form groups with a mix of existing students and those new to the school.
A major difference with previous years is that students will, typically, now only study three academic subjects, which are known as A Level qualifications. Students are examined on these qualifications in May/June of Year 13. Moving from GCSEs to A Levels can represent a real challenge for students, both in terms of the hours they are expected to put into their studies, but also in terms of a different approach. In Year 12 students will be expected to be more self-motivated and independent learners as they make the transition into the adult world.
In addition to academic study, students will take part in a wide-ranging enrichment programme, benefiting from activities as volunteering, mentoring, sporting activities and completion of a MOOC. Our enrichment programme is designed to develop students beyond their academic experiences and runs in a similar way to a university ‘Freshers’ Fayre’ or university ‘Soc’ programme. All students are integrated into the Sixth Form through a specialised ‘Adventure Integration Day’ in the first few weeks of term.
During Year 12 we also launch our ‘Beyond 18’ programme, which is widely recognised as one of the best in the country. Whether students are looking for the world of work or a university place, we offer highly individualised support from a team of dedicated specialists. We have pathways for job-seekers, those looking to study at Oxbridge or indeed aspiring Medics and NHS professionals.
At Easter, we open our EPQ programme, where students have the opportunity to study academically in a narrow area of specialism which culminates in the completion of a 5000-word essay.
Finally, in the summer term, all students in Year 12 take part in our ‘work shadowing’ programme, where for one week, every student experiences ‘the world of work.’
Do not hesitate to contact me at the school if you have any questions about Year 12.
Mr J Teece
Head of Year 12