The Team
The Sixth Form Team consists of eleven members of staff, all of whom are specialists in ensuring that students receive the very best support over their two years in the school Sixth Form.
Mr R Bell
Director of 6th Form
Mrs J Marshall
Head of Year
Mr J Teece
Head of Year
Mrs S King
Year 13 Apprenticeship & Employment Consultant
Mrs M Donnellan
Sixth Form Administrator
Mrs A Wilkes
Pastoral Development Coordinator
Mrs Jacobs
Pastoral Manager & 16-19 Bursary Coordinator
Mrs Morse
Independent Learning Supervisor
Mrs C Morrell
EPQ Lead
Mrs Palmer
Head of Careers
The Sixth Form is led by Mr R Bell, who as Deputy Head, with overall responsibility as Director of Sixth Form, provides strategic direction and leadership to the community of 500 personnel.
Each year group is then supported specifically through a Head of Year, who will be either Mr Teece or Mrs Marshall. Both members of staff work with the students in their respective year groups on a day-to-day basis. In particular the Head of Year gains a holistic overview of each student’s progress and is the first point of contact for parents in dealings with the school at Key Stage 5.
Mrs King acts as our Year 13 Employment and Apprenticeship Consultant which means that she is intrinsic to daily life in the Sixth Form. With increasing numbers of students deciding not to apply to university and instead head into the ‘world of work’, Mrs King is able to provide advice to students and has been instrumental in ensuring that Coopers’ career provision is amongst the very best in the country. Mrs Palmer works closely with Mrs King, as our whole-school Head of Careers and she has developed a specialist Careers Website to support students and their parents and this can be accessed by the link entitled ‘Careers’
Mrs A Wilkes works as our Pastoral Development Coordinator, she supports the 6th Form through her oversight of the enrichment programme and also as our Year 14 UCAS Coordinator.
Our 6th Form Learning Zone and independent learning agenda is headed up by Mrs Morse who supports students in developing the study skills and habits crucial for post-16 success.
The 16-19 Bursary provides critical funding and financial support to a cohort of students during their time in the 6th Form; Mrs Jacobs is the school’s Pupil Premium and 16-19 Bursary Coordinator. She also has a crucial role as a Pastoral Manager within the 6th Form team.
Mrs Morrell is in charge of the EPQ programme in the 6th Form. Each year she leads this important programme working with a cohort of around 100 students in developing their interests and expertise in an independent project. This culminates in the production of a 5000 word university style dissertation.
Last, but by no means least, Mrs M Donnellan who as Sixth Form Administrator performs a vital role in overseeing many aspects of Sixth Form life from attendance, to communication with parents, through to oversight of the Learning Zone.