All students who join the Sixth Form are expected to support the ethos of the School. Attendance at assembly is compulsory.
We also use an extensive House system to foster collegiality and competition within the school; students will be placed in one of four houses; Coborn, Gibson, Guild or Ratcliffe and they are expected to become involved in a broad range of school activities. Sixth Form study is a partnership between the student, School and family. As such all members of the Sixth Form sign up to our ‘Behaviour Contract’.
The highest standards of attendance and punctuality are expected from our students. Where a student does not meet the School’s high expectations, quick action is taken to improve matters. A continuing inability to meet the requirements made of all Sixth Formers regarding work, attendance, punctuality and uniform will lead to a review of the student’s future in the School. In particular, all students are expected in school by 8.35am each morning and are expected to attend the weekly assembly. If a student does not have an afternoon lesson then they are permitted to ‘sign out’ for afternoon study.
Sixth Formers wear their own smart and distinctive uniform in recognition of their seniority and the way the whole school looks to them for leadership and example. It is therefore expected that Sixth Formers wear their uniforms with pride and without quibble. The uniform requirements are made clear to students before entry to the Sixth Form and failure to meet them will be addressed speedily and unequivocally. As a parent, it is expected that you will support the school without reservation with regards to uniform.
Students naturally play an active part in the wider life of the Sixth Form and the School. They have representation on the Student Council and are strongly involved in a breadth of clubs and associations. New clubs and societies continually form themselves in response to the emergence of fresh interests and enthusiasms. Sixth Formers also support lower school students, organise trips and social events, raise funds for charity, and manage their own Common Room. The School is well known for the exciting national and international trips it runs and Sixth Form students customarily take part in many of them. Sixth Formers also continue to play a major part in the vibrant musical, dramatic and sporting life of the School. In addition, Sixth Formers have a timetabled lesson of ‘Enrichment’ each week when they actively participate in an array of indoor and outdoor activities. The Director of Sixth Form and Heads of Year also organises a programme of visiting speakers to address the students on a variety of relevant topics.
Each year there is constant communication with a Form Tutor to discuss each student’s academic performance, their current attainment grades and their future goals. Parents’/Carers’ also receive an annual Parents’ Evening for an update on the progress of their son or daughter and the standards they have reached in their chosen subjects. There is also a strong student tracking system. At the end of Year 12 a major review of student progress takes place.
Service to the School is one of its great strengths and exemplifies the School’s motto ‘Love as Brethren’. Sixth Formers play a crucial role in this work. The Sixth Form has a structure of School Captains, Vice-Captains, Sixth Form Captains and Games Captains. Whilst School Captains, Vice-Captains and Games Captains have wider school responsibilities, Sixth Form Captains have administrative and social responsibilities specifically within the Sixth Form. However, all Sixth Formers will be expected to work in collaboration with peers and staff and will be given day-to-day jobs and longer-term duties in the running of the School. Whilst Sixth Formers will clearly be given a great deal of responsibility, the rewards for these are the privileges the School grants them and the opportunity to be part of such a vibrant and successful community.